Friday, January 3, 2014

New Year New Blog

So with the start of 2014 I decided to start a new blog.  This one I'm going to devote to my sewing adventures {or misadventures}.  Although I love quilting and have done it for almost 20 years, I'm still pretty much a beginner.

On average over the last few years I have made (and completed) 2 quilts each year but I'm notorious for starting more that never get completed. So for 2014 my goal is to complete a few of those started but not finished quilts.  I'm really not even sure how many I have.  Off the top of my head I know there are at least 5 but sure the numbers are higher.

This is probably cheating but I have my first one to post today.  This quilt I started 2010 for my son, David, who had been bugging me for a quilt for quite some time.  I decided on the Flying Geese pattern, made a trip to the fabric store, made my selections and back I home I went to get started..  I was working away and was able to get all the geese blocks done.  Yippee!! or so I thought...

It was no secret that I was making this quilt.  So as I was sewing the columns together one day and in walks my son and he says something to the effect "That's not the quilt for me is it? Why are you alternating the colors?  Why don't you make each column 1 color?"  He just could not be convinced that I knew what I was doing.  So to appease him I deconstructed the columns I had done, made more geese because of course I only need 5 colors now instead of 6, and started over with the columns.  The next day he comes in again and this time he tells me he doesn't like it.  Well at this point I am so mad that I throw it all in a box and said forget it.

He has periodically ask me when I was going to make him a new quilt.  I keep telling him, that I will when he will trust that I know what I'm doing.  Well this past summer his girl friend Randi hinted that she would love a quilt and was not picky like David.  PERFECT!  I pulled out the quilt I started 3 years ago for David and decided to finish it for Randi.  It has taken me a while to finish it.  By time I made the decision to start I broke my humerus bone which had to be surgically fix (7" plate with 12 screws).  NO SEWING for me {bummer}.  In November I finally was able to start working on it.  I worked on it a couple weekends.  Procrastinated some.  Procrastinated some again.  Mid-December I was already to start the actual quilting when an ice storm hit and I lost power for almost a week.

I finally finished New Years Day!

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